Monday, June 14, 2010

Sleeping Cookies

I went to a book fair a few months back and bought a load of cookbooks. Actually, I went two days in a row. This cookie name caught my eye. The texture was very interesting and very light. The recipe came from Eat your heart out. Cookies you can go to bed and they bake.

Sleeping Cookies


2 egg whites
1/8 tsp. salt
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cups walnuts, chopped (used pecans)


Preheat oven to 400ยบ.
Grease cookie sheets well.
Chop nuts and set aside.
Beat egg whites at high speed until frothy.
Add salt and continue beating and add sugar, a bit at a time until stiff peaks form.
Add vanilla.
Fold in nuts and chocolate chips.
Using a heaping teaspoonful place batter on cookie sheet.
Place cookie sheets in oven and turn it off.
Leave in oven over night or for at least 3 hours.
They freeze well and thaw quickly.


  1. Oh my a book fair! What fun and how the pocket book would be emptied. These cookies look so light and delicious.

  2. Rosemary...well I only spent 19.00 dollars each day. If you are interested I can let you know when it is next year....they have every kind of book....

  3. Oh that is so cool you can just go to bed and they bake in the cooling oven. Neat recipe! They look so delicious too.

  4. Bridgett..I thought it was a cool way to make cookies... :)

  5. I've always wanted to try such cookies. Bookmarked!

  6. Avanika...they freeze is so cool you can just put them in the oven and they are ready in the morning....:)


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