Friday, March 13, 2009

I have been tagged

Rosanne tagged me. In doing this tag I had to figure out which folder to pick from for the 4th folder and 4th photo.

The instructions are to go to the fourth file in your picture folder. Then choose the fourth picture and post it on your blog.

This is a photo of Gold Finches at our feeder.

Here are the six people I am tagging:

Hallie Fae of Smart Cookie

Abby of Confabulation in the Kitchen

Clumbsy Cookies

How To Eat A Cupcake

Brilynn of Jumbo Empanadas

Soni of Sugarcraft


  1. Thanks for the tag! I posted my pic and tagged a few friends! Have a fabulous weekend.

  2. What a terrrific pic!

    Thanks for playing.


Hi Thanks for stopping by and commenting :) Have a Wonderful Day. :)