Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday Dinner this Week

We painted the dining room this afternoon. I put the second coat on all the trim and baseboard to help Dan out. Then the only thing left is the primer on the bottom part of the wall so the wallpaper will stick. Put the chandelier up and this room will be done except for the carpet. Doing the happy dance here!!!! We will then have to put all the furniture back into the dining room in order to paint the living room and the computer room. This has been a project that has been going on since ....February. I should start a blog on our renovations. Anyway....about dinner. He BBQ steaks (strip loins). With it we had fried onions and cauliflower and the Crumb Top Cherry Pie.

Fried Onions

Medium sized sweet onion

Cut the onions as thin as you can
Place sliced onions in bowl and cover with milk. Let this mixture sit about 1 hour before you fry them.

When the steaks are just about done start the oil heating. While the steaks are resting start the onions.

Take the onions out of the milk and dredge them in the flour. Make sure they are well coated.

Place onions on slotted spoon and drop into hot oil.

Cook until golden brown. Remove from oil and place on paper towel sprinkle with salt. When you have enough onions fried for your dinner. Place on top of steak. And enjoy!!


  1. I'd pay money for those onions right now!
    ps - You mentioned a pattern for a hippo on my blog. I wanted to email you but my computer won't let me, but I'm very curious about that hippo!

  2. Morning Mallow
    Thank your comment. The onions with the steak are amazing.
    About the pattern I will try this week to scan it and put it on my site for you.

  3. I never thought to do onions with milk and flour. Great idea, I am hungry now.


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