Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

I bought an Ice-cream Maker during the week at Sears. One of the books I found at the library was Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt. I made French-Vanilla Ice Cream and added 2/3 cup chopped oreo's about 10 minutes before the ice cream maker was done. It tastes very much like what we buy at the supermarket.


3 cups half and half
1 cup sugar
4 egg yolks, beaten
1 cup whipping cream
1 tbsp. vanilla extract

In a heavy medium saucepan, combine half and half, sugar and beaten egg yolks.
Cook and stir over low heat until mixture coats the back of a spoon and it is slightly thickened.
Cool to room temperature.
Stir in whipping cream and vanilla.
Pour into ice cream maker.
Follow the manufacturers directions.
Makes 2 quarts.

I added 1 tsp. cornstarch to the first mixture.
And added 2/3 cup coarsely chopped Oreo Cookies.


  1. I bet it tastes BETTER than the storebought..It looks great!
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    blessings, marye

  2. This looks so creamy and delicious! Great job!

  3. Goodmorning Marye
    Thank you for the info about bakespace. I will look that up.

    Goodmorning Jenndz
    Thank you, for my first attempt at making ice cream it turned out ok.

  4. I love cookies and cream ice cream
    this looks temptingly good :)


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